Bitterroot River
The Bitterroot river is created by the confluence of it's east and west forks at the very south end of the majestic Bitterroot valley. Here it's waters are cool and swift moving, coming straight from the high country. In these upper stretches, native Cutthroat Trout thrive, and are eager participants in the dry fly game.
As the river proceeds, the valley begins to widen, and the views East and West are worth the trip in themselves. The Sharp jagged peaks of the Bitterroots to the West, and the gentle rolling hills of the Sapphires to the East enclose the valley and are part of the reason you will be hard pressed to find a more beautiful place anywhere.
The Bitterroot is unique from other waters in the area. At first glance, an angler might assume this river is fairly straight forward, but after spending some time with her, most find the Bitterroot a mysterious, almost mystical river, ever changing, with secrets that even the wiliest of tenured guides will never figure out.
As the river glides through the valley, it is constantly fed by tributaries carrying cool water from above and therefore continues to grow in volume until joining the Clarkfork some seventy miles to the North. As it transcends north, both the river and valley widen, giving way to a more open landscape with classic glassy runs where big rainbows and browns slide out from their laires to feast upon the blanket hatches of small mayflies.
If you come visit us in the fall, be sure not to leave with out getting at least one day on this gem, as the changing season brings amazing colors to the cottonwood river bottom that will be etched in your mind for ever!