The Blackfoot River
Oh yes, the Big Blackfoot River... If you were to create the perfect rocky mountain trout stream, you wouldn't have to look much further for a model than the Blackfoot River. From the confluence of the main stem and the North Fork (of the Blackfoot) near Ovando, the Blackfoot river is filled with classic trout habitat and breathtaking scenic views until it lends it's waters to the Clarkfork River some seventy some odd miles below. With bubbling pocket water, glassy runs, and deep turquoise pools, it's no wonder Normal Maclean had an easy time convincing the world of this river's magic. From Giant Salmon flies in the spring to The biggest caddis known to man (the October Caddis) in the fall, she will give it up all season long, and as many an angler has told me, "Catching fish is just a bonus when you float the Blackfoot river."