I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Casting 4 A Cure Fly Fishing Event that takes place each year in Victor Id and what an experience it was. A first class operation from start to finish and just a joy to be a part of. Put together By Bill Farnum and Jim Copeland to raise money and awareness for Rett Syndrome, the event has blown up with excellent support from a number of generous corporate sponsors and a long list of eager anglers. Although nasty weather in the forecast brought some grimaces to the faces of a couple fair weather fisherman involved, my buddy and angling partner (Eric Stoneman) and I had more of a guilty grin – as we new the conditions were ripe to roust a South Fork Giant. Needless to say, we were not disappointed! Thanks so much to our (awesome) guide Will Frohlich, and to everyone at Casting 4 A Cure and all the new friends we made while taking part in the event. Here are a few shots from the weekend.
Casting 4 A Cure
September 7th, 2014
July 18th, 2014
July 18th, 2014Well, things continue to rock! fishing has been really good this last week despite the warm temps. I was on the Blackfoot yesterday with Jamie Massion and his son Justin and we landed a bunch of slabs. Surprisingly, the streamer fishing was excellent… even in the heat of the day! we also got them on drys and some on the dropper. The temps in the coming days look friendly and the smoke should help “haze” out the sun. To sum it up… fishing should remain good, so get out and get it while the getting is good!